PDMX: A Large-Scale Public Domain MusicXML Dataset for Symbolic Music Processing

arXiv Preprint

University of California, San Diego


The recent explosion of generative AI-Music systems has raised numerous concerns over data copyright, licensing music from musicians, and the conflict between open-source AI and large prestige companies. Such issues highlight the need for publicly available, copyright-free musical data, in which there is a large shortage, particularly for symbolic music data. To alleviate this issue, we present PDMX: a large-scale open-source dataset of over 250K public domain MusicXML scores collected from the score-sharing forum MuseScore, making it the largest available copyright-free symbolic music dataset to our knowledge. PDMX additionally includes a wealth of both tag and user interaction metadata, allowing us to efficiently analyze the dataset and filter for high quality user-generated scores. Given the additional metadata afforded by our data collection process, we conduct multitrack music generation experiments evaluating how different representative subsets of PDMX lead to different behaviors in downstream models, and how user-rating statistics can be used as an effective measure of data quality. Examples can be found at https://pnlong.github.io/PDMX.demo/.


The entirety of PDMX.


The collection of each song's best (in terms of rating if available) unique arrangements.


Songs with non-zero ratings.

Rated and Deduplicated

The intersection of the Rated and Deduplicated subsets.


A random subset of songs sampled from the full dataset at the size of the Rated and Deduplicated subset.


PDMX: A Large-Scale Public Domain MusicXML Dataset for Symbolic Music Processing
Phillip Long, Zachary Novack, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Julian McAuley.


@article{long2024pdmx, title={{PDMX}: A Large-Scale Public Domain MusicXML Dataset for Symbolic Music Processing}, author={Long, Phillip and Novack, Zachary and Berg-Kirkpatrick, Taylor and McAuley, Julian}, journal={arXiv:2409.10831}, year={2024}, }

Our official code implementation can be found in the official GitHub repository.
The dataset download for PDMX is available on Zenodo.

Code Dataset