
Et voilĂ , my personal projects — tap on a card to learn more. Alternatively, check out my GitHub!



Given an input playlist of songs, the Artificial-Intelligence Disc-Jockey determines the optimal playlist order and strategy for mixing. The output is a single audio file — a seamless mix of all the songs from the input playlist.

Song Section Classifier

Song Section Classifier

Uses machine learning to identify the various musical sections (bridge, chorus, etc.) in a song. Outputs a timestamp for the predicted starting point of every new section in an audio file.

Key Classifier

Key Classifier

Uses machine learning to determine the musical key of a given audio file. Adequately classifies key 93% of the time.

Determine Tempo

Determine Tempo

Uses a convolutional neural network to determine the tempo (in Beats Per Minute) of a given audio file. Predicts the exact tempo with 85% accuracy, while 95% of predictions show an error less than 10 BPM.

Portfolio Website

Portfolio Website

Personal portfolio website built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. All pages incorporate responsive web design.

Finding a Roommate

Finding a Roommate

Instagram bot operating an account that connects incoming college freshmen with their peers. Posts pictures and informational snippets received via direct message and automatically responds to inquiries.

Airplane Boarding Simulator

Airplane Boarding Simulator

Simulation of the airplane-boarding process built with Python's Tkinter. Handles variable number of seats, passengers, seat and section layouts, and more.

Quizlet Termscraper

Quizlet Termscraper

Given an input a list of terms, scrapes quizlet for their definitions using Python Selenium and outputs a Markdown file. Used to automate my high school history homework.

* Indicates a work in progress.